Sketcher Workbench/hr

Sketcher workbench icon


With the Sketcher Workbench 2D sketches intended for use in other workbenches can be created. 2D sketches are the starting point for many CAD models. They typically define the profiles and paths for operations to create 3D shapes. A model may depend on several sketches for its final shape.

Together with boolean operations defined in the Part Workbench, the Sketcher Workbench, or "The Sketcher" for short, forms the basis of the constructive solid geometry (CSG) method of building solids. Together with PartDesign Workbench operations, it also forms the basis of the feature editing methodology of creating solids. But many other workbenches use sketches as well.

The Sketcher workbench features constraints, allowing 2D shapes to follow precise geometrical definitions in terms of length, angles, and relationships (horizontality, verticality, perpendicularity, etc.). A constraint solver calculates the constrained-extent of 2D geometry and allows interactive exploration of the degrees-of-freedom of the sketch.

The Sketcher is not intended for producing 2D blueprints. Once sketches are used to generate a solid feature, they are automatically hidden and Constraints are only visible in Sketch edit mode. If you only need to produce 2D views for print, and don't want to create 3D models, check out the Draft workbench.

A fully constrained sketch


Constraints are used to limit the degrees of freedom of an object. For example, a line without constraints has 4 degrees of freedom (abbreviated as "DoF"): it can be moved horizontally or vertically, it can be stretched, and it can be rotated.

Applying a horizontal or vertical constraint, or an angle constraint (relative to another line or to one of the axes), will limit its capacity to rotate, thus leaving it with 3 degrees of freedom. Locking one of its points in relation to the origin will remove another 2 degrees of freedom. And applying a dimension constraint will remove the last degree of freedom. The line is then considered fully-constrained.

Objects can be constrained in relation to one another. Two lines can be joined through one of their points with the coincident point constraint. An angle can be set between them, or they can be set perpendicular. A line can be tangent to an arc or a circle, and so on. A complex Sketch with multiple objects may have a number of different solutions, and making it fully-constrained can mean that just one of these possible solutions has been reached based on the applied constraints.

There are two kinds of constraints: geometric and dimensional. They are detailed in the Tools section below.

Edit constraints

When a driving dimensional constraint is created, and if the Ask for value after creating a dimensional constraint preference is selected (default), a dialog opens to edit its value.


You can enter a numerical value or an expression, and it is possible to name the constraint to facilitate its use in other expressions. You can also check the Reference checkbox to switch the constrain to reference mode.

To edit the value of an existing dimensional constraint do one of the following:

Reposition constraints

Dimensional constraints can be repositioned in the 3D view by dragging. Hold down the left mouse button over the constraint value and move the mouse. The symbols of geometric constraints are positioned automatically and cannot be moved.

Profile sketches

To create a sketch that can be used as a profile for generating solids certain rules must be followed:

These rules do not apply to construction geometry (default color blue), which is not shown outside edit mode, or if the sketch is used for a different purpose. Depending on the workbench and the tool that will use the profile sketch, additional restrictions may apply.

Drawing aids

The Sketcher Workbench has several drawing aids and other features that can help when creating geometry and applying constraints.

Continue modes

There are two continue modes: Geometry creation "Continue Mode" and Constraint creation "Continue Mode". If these are checked (default) in the preferences, related tools will restart after finishing. To exit a continuous tool press Esc or the right mouse button. This must be repeated if a continuous geometry tool has already received input. You can also exit a continuous tool by starting another geometry or constraint creation tool. Note that pressing Esc if no tool is active will exit sketch edit mode. Uncheck the Esc can leave sketch edit mode preference if you often inadvertently press Esc too many times.

Auto constraints

In sketches that have Auto constraints checked (default) several constraints are applied automatically. The icon of a proposed automatic constraint is shown next to the cursor when it is placed correctly. Left-clicking will then apply that constraint. This is a per-sketch setting that can be changed in the Sketcher Dialog or by changing the PregledAutoconstraints property of the sketch.

The following constraints are applied automatically:


introduced in 0.21

It is possible to snap to grid lines and grid intersection, to edges of geometry and midpoints of lines and arcs, and to certain angles. Please note that snapping does not produce constraints in and of itself. For example, only if Auto constraints is switched on will snapping to an edge produce a Point on object constraint. But just picking a point on the edge would then have the same result.


introduced in 1.0

Depending on the selected option in the preferences only the dimensional On-View-Parameters or both the dimensional and the positional On-View-Parameters can be enabled. Positional parameters allow the input of exact coordinates, for example the center of a circle, or the start point of a line. Dimensional parameters allow the input of exact dimensions, for example the radius of a circle, or the length and angle of a line. On-View-Parameters are not available for all tools.

Determining the center point of a circle with the positional parameters enabled

Determining the radius of a circle with the dimensional parameters enabled

If values are entered and confirmed by pressing Enter or Tab, related constraints are added automatically. If two parameters are displayed at the same time, for example the X and Y coordinate of a point, it is possible to enter one value and pick a point to define the other. Depending on the object additional constraints may be required to fully constrain it. Constraints resulting from On-View-Parameters take precedence over those that may result from Auto constraints.

Arc created by entering all On-View-Parameters with resulting automatically created constraints

Coordinate display

If the Show coordinates beside cursor while editing preference is checked (default), the parameters of the current geometry tool (coordinates, radius, or length and angle) are displayed next to the cursor. This is deactivated while On-View-Parameters are shown.

Selection methods

While a sketch is in edit mode the following selection methods can be used:

3D view element selection

As elsewhere in FreeCAD, an element can be selected in the 3D view with a single left mouse click. But there is no need to hold down the Ctrl key when selecting multiple elements. Holding down that key is possible though and has the advantage that you can miss-click without losing the selection. Edges, points and constraints can be selected in this manner.

3D view box selection

Box selection in the 3D view works without using Std BoxSelection or Std BoxElementSelection:

  1. Make sure that no tool is active.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click in an empty area and drag a rectangle from left to right to select elements that lie completely inside the rectangle.
    • Click in an empty area and drag a rectangle from right to left to also select elements that touch or cross the rectangle.

You can box-select edges and points, constraints cannot be box-selected.

3D view connected geometry selection

introduced in 1.0

Double-clicking an edge in the 3D view will select all edges directly and indirectly connected with that edge via endpoints. There is no need for the edges to be connected with Coincident constraints, endpoints need only have the same coordinates.

Sketcher Dialog selection

Edges and points can also be selected from the Elements section of the Sketcher Dialog, and constraints from the Constraints section of that dialog.

Copy, cut and paste

introduced in 1.0

The standard keyboard shortcuts, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V, can be used to copy, cut and paste selected Sketcher geometry including related constraints. But these tools are also available from the Sketch → Sketcher tools menu. They can be used within the same sketch but also between different sketches or separate instances of FreeCAD. Since the data is copied to the clipboard in the form of Python code, it can be used in other ways too (e.g. shared on the forum).


The Sketcher Workbench tools are located in the Sketch menu and/or several toolbars. introduced in 0.21: Almost all Sketcher toolbars are only displayed while a sketch is in edit mode. The only exception is the Sketcher toolbar which is only displayed if no sketch is in edit mode.

Some tools are also available from the 3D view context menu while a sketch is in edit mode, or from the context menus of the Sketcher Dialog.

introduced in 0.21: If a sketch is in edit mode the Structure toolbar is hidden as none of its tools can then be used.


Sketcher toolbar

Sketcher Edit Mode toolbar

Sketcher edit tools toolbar


Geometrije skice

These are tools for creating objects.

  • Ellipse by center: Creates an ellipse by its center, an endpoint of one of its axes, and a point along the ellipse. introduced in 1.0: Or by both endpoints of one of its axes and a point along the ellipse.
  • Rectangle: Creates a rectangle. introduced in 1.0: The tool has four modes. Rounded corners and creating an offset copy are optional features.
  • Square: Creates a square. Idem.
  • Octagon: Creates an octagon. Idem.
  • Regular polygon: Creates a regular polygon. The number of sides can be specified.
  • Slot: Creates a slot.

Ograničenja skice

These are tools for creating constraints. Some constraints require the use of Helper constraints.

  • Dimension: Is the context-sensitive constraint tool of the Sketcher Workbench. Based on the current selection, it offers appropriate dimensional constraints, but also geometric constraints. introduced in 1.0
  • Horizontal distance: Fixes the horizontal distance between two points or the endpoints of a line. If a single point is pre-selected, the distance is relative to the origin of the sketch.
  • Vertical distance: Fixes the vertical distance between two points or the endpoints of a line. If a single point is pre-selected, the distance is relative to the origin of the sketch.
  • Distance: Fixes the length of a line, the distance between two points, the perpendicular distance between a point and a line; or, introduced in 0.21, the distance between the edges of two circles or arcs, or between the edge of a circle or arc and a line; or, introduced in 1.0, the length of an arc.
  • Auto radius/diameter: Fixes the radius of arcs and B-spline weight circles, and the diameter of circles.
  • Radius: Fixes the radius of circles, arcs and B-spline weight circles.
  • Diameter: Fixes the diameter of circles and arcs.
  • Angle: Fixes the angle between two edges, the angle of a line with the horizontal axis of the sketch, or the aperture angle of a circular arc.
  • Lock: Applies Horizontal distance and Vertical distance constraints to points. If a single point is selected the constraints reference the origin of the sketch. If two or more points are selected the constraints reference the last point in the selection.
  • Horizontal: Constrains lines or pairs of points to be horizontal.
  • Vertical: Constrains lines or pairs of points to be vertical.
  • Toggle driving/reference constraint: Toggles the dimensional constraint creation tools between driving and reference mode, or toggles selected dimensional constraints between those modes.

Sketcher tools

  • Trim: Trims an edge at the nearest intersections with other edges.
  • Split: Splits an edge while transferring most constraints.
  • Extend: Extends or shortens a line or an arc to an arbitrary location, or to a target edge or point.

Sketcher B-spline tools

Sketcher visual

Obsolete tools


Best practices

Every CAD user develops their own way of working over time, but there are some useful general principles to follow.



The Sketcher scripting page contains examples on how to create constraints from Python scripts.


For some ideas of what can be achieved with Sketcher tools, have a look at: Sketcher examples.